David Rodriguez

David Rodriguez

Adjunct Professor

AIDP Undergraduate Program

Email: dmarodri@fiu.edu

Dr. David M. Rodriguez is an educator, a historian, and a public servant. From 2017 to 2023, he worked for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, where he led teams that provided financial assistance to disaster survivors under FEMA's Individuals and Households Program. In 2022, he received the Administrator's Award for Diversity Management and Inclusion for his efforts to create a more diverse and inclusive FEMA workforce.

Prior to joining FEMA, Dr. Rodriguez was a community leader in Los Angeles. In 2016, he was elected to the Sylmar Neighborhood Council, an advisory body that advocates for Sylmar residents at Los Angeles City Hall. He was recognized by the Office of the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Unified School District Board of Education for his outreach efforts to the community.

Dr. Rodriguez earned his B.A. from the University of California-Los Angeles and his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Currently, he works in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, DC.